Recommended Workflow for SecureVideo API

Support Center > API Integration

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If you are curious about how to integrate the SecureVideo API into your workflow process, please read on. 


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In this example, your application schedules a patient to see a doctor, and it should be by videoconference.  At the time the appointment is created in your system:
1. Use the SecureVideo API to create new users, and update existing user information.
Case A - SecureVideo sends invites and reminders
2a. If you want SecureVideo to send session invitations and reminders, use the API to create Session objects where the Access Codes are delivered to the patient.
3a. The patient will get the reminders, which will link to your branded site (e.g.,, and they will go right into the waiting room (and most of them will think they are on your site when this happens)
Case B - your application handles invites and reminders
2b. If you don't want SecureVideo to send session invitations and reminders, edit your account settings to disable notifications to hosts (i.e., your users). In addition, use the API to create Session objects where the Access Codes are NOT delivered to the patient.
3b. You will send the patient a link with their Access Code to your Branded Waiting Room (e.g.,, where 123456789 would be their Access Code you got from the Create Session API).
In either case A or B...
4. The doctor will go to your site at the correct time, will click on a "Videoconference Now" link that you put on your application.
5. When the doctor clicks "Videoconference Now" on your site, you use the SecureVideo API to get a Login URI for that doctor, and in javascript redirect them to that Login URI, which will take them to their branded session dashboard (e.g.,  Once redirected, the doctor will see that the patient is in the waiting room, and will click Join to Session, and they will be connected by videoconference.
This article was last reviewed by our Support team on April 19, 2017.